Saturday, October 15, 2005

Mangerton Mountain pics

As we wait for more walks to be done (unlikely this month unfortunately), I'll take the opportunity to show some more pictures from my holiday last month in Ireland. I had never taken a camera with me while walking, but last month I bought a new Canon Powershot A510 Digital Camera especially, and had great fun taking the pictures. It was getting to the point where I was even fancying myself as a photographer. I really thought I was taking great pictures, but away from the heat of the moment I am now not so impressed with them as I was when I took them. C'est la vie. I still think some of the them look pretty cool.

To start off we'll return to Mangerton Mountain, a flat topped mountain of 839m just to the south of Killarney and within sight of the MacGillycuddy's Reeks as evidenced by this first picture.The picture is a bit hazy due to the distance but the six peaks (well, 5 peaks and a small hillock) of the Reeks can be seen with Upper Lake in the foreground. This picture was taken during the ascent of the northern slopes. The first picture on the Walk Report is also from the ascent taken a little earlier and is of Lough Leane in the Killarney National Park. Killarney itself can be seen on the far right.

The second picture on the Walk Report is of the Devil's Punch Bowl with Lough Leane visible to the right. This lake lies below and to the north of the mountain top. Now on the top and we have this deserted scene of the summit.The summit consisited of a concrete pillar with a radio mast. How depressing! The flat top to the summit spoils the views but the MacGillycuddy's Reeks can still be seen on the left, their multiple peaks distinctive against the horizon. The reddish tinge to the grass hints at the boggy nature of the mountain top. A real bog can be seen in the next photo, which features the north top of Mangerton Mountain in the background. What intrigued me about this sight of an Irish bog was the steam clearly rising from the bog. It was a very warm sunny day that was heating the bog on this northern edge of the mountain.

The final picture from this walk is of the two lochs in Glencappul, Loch Garagarry and lough Managh. Killarney can clearly be seen in the distance. This photo was taken at the col with Stoompa, which is the hill that can be seen in the final photo on the Walk Report. This photo was taken on the northern edge of Mangerton Mountain looking down into Glencappul with Lough Managh at the bottom.

Those are the highlights of the pictures I took during my first walk in Ireland. It was the first time I'd ever tried taking photos while walking and I think my inexperience shows even if only in the small number of pictures I took. I took 18 pictures all day as opposed to the 49 I took on the Coumloughra horseshoe. I think my photo taking improved as the week progressed as it will in the coming months. I am looking forward to going out onto the hills if only to take more photos!